Friday, June 30, 2017

Are You "Crime" Proof? Take this Quiz and find out!

Are You Crime Proof?

City life is becoming increasingly dangerous with rapes, murders and muggings on the rise. Can you handle crime? Or is the very idea of becoming a victim literally draining the life out of you? Take this quiz and find out, and remember the wrong answers may cost you your money or your life!

Tick the answer which you feel is closest to what you believe is right:
  1. Walking home after work, someone asks you for directions. You:
    1. Tell them how to get there, then walk on.
    2. Say “Sorry” and walk on. It’s too dangerous to talk to a stranger.
    3. Offer to show them the place, after all it’s en route to where you’re headed.
  1. You normally carry your daily belonginings in a:
    1. A hand held bag.
    2. A shoulder bag, which you tuck under the arm.
    3. A shoulder bag which you wear across the body
  2. Your philosophy against preventing crime is: 
  1. Common sense and logic can keep you quite safe.
  2. .Bad things never happen to good people.
  3. One can never be safe enough
  1. On your way to a party, you realize your lost, you:
    1. Continue driving, knowing sooner or later you’ll hit on something familiar.
    1. You don’t have a mobile, so you pull into a day and night petrol pump and phone the host for directions.
    1. Pull into a day and night petrol pump and ask the staff for instructions.
     5. At least one of your friends or relatives has been the victim of
          urban crime?.
a. Yes
b. No
     6. A policeman wants to use your window to keep watch on some
gangsters, you.
    a. Ask for his I.D, phone his police station for verification, and then let him in.
    b. Let him in. This is your big chance to fight crime.
    c. Refuse to let him in. How can you be sure he’s telling the truth.

     7. It’s late at night, your driving home and realize you need cash.
         There are 3 ATM’s. You choose the one that is located:
a. Inside a bank, on a relatively deserted street.
b. Outside a bank on a fairly busy street.
c. Outside a bank on a fairly lonely street.

     8. A smiling salesperson asks you to let him in to demonstrate a
          product. You:
a. Let him/her in.
b. Tell them to come some other time. Your busy now.
c. Tell them your not interested, and refuse to let them in.

    9. While driving late at night, a car bumps you from behind.
        When you look back the driver gestures you to turn into a
        side street. You:
a. Pullover and examine the damage done to your car
b. Gesture the driver to follow you to a well populated area and then get out.
c. Gesture the other driver to follow you to a well populated area, then scribble your car and phone numbers on a piece of paper and pass it to them through the window
d. Write down his registration number and drive off. If there is any damage, you can always trace him

10. While shopping at night, you park your car in an
unattended parking lot at:
a. The extreme end where there are only a few cars
b. Near the entrance
c. Near the entrance, but in a well lit up area

Scoring: 1: a- 2 b-3 c- 1 
2: a- 1 b-2 c- 3 -
3: a- 3 b-2 c- 1 -
4: a- 3 b-2 c- 1 
5: a- 3 b-1 c- 0 
6: a- 2 b-1 c- 3 
7: a-1 b-2 c-3 -
8: a-3 b-2 c-1 -
9: a-1 b-2 c-2 -
10: a-3 -b-1 c-2 -

Score Interpretation:
24 to 30 points:
Hey, you seem to worry constantly about bad things happening to you. Perhaps you’ve developed this habit while growing up, because of overcautious parents. Or maybe you just don’t trust your own instincts.
The remedy: Work towards making yourself realize that you are in charge of your own well being. If you feel someone is following you on the street, then don’t panic and make a beeline for home. Instead, indulge in some window shopping, or step into a store and browse around. In most cases the stalker (if there was one) will pass on. Remember, the more confidence you have in yourself, the less will be your fear of being a potential victim.
15 to 23 points:
You seem pretty level headed. You know that wonderful as the world is, it can also be dangerous. You follow your instincts and never ignore that inner alarm, or sixth sense. You seem the type of person who can take care of themselves.
19 to 14 points:
Sure, its great to feel invulnerable, but you seem to be taking crime too lightly and possess a “Nothing’s gonna happen to me” attititude. The sooner you wake up to the reality, that crime can happen to
you, the better.
What the experts say:
  • Be polite to strangers, but never linger and appear too friendly. Many crimes begin with someone just asking for directions.
  • You need to be “Street Savvy” not scared stiff. You need to realize the potential danger spots and take care to avoid them.
  • Phone your friend from a petrol pump. Sometimes. Even good Samaritans can give you confusing directions. Inest in a mobile phone if you travel lot.
  • Experience, even secondhand. Can make you wiser. Listening to a victim can often make you more aware of potential danger and make you watch out for yourself.
  • Never let a stranger into your home, even if he is in uniform.
  • Going to an ATM at night is like asking for trouble. However, if you must, go to one which is on a busy street.
  • Never let salespeople into your house since there is no way to check their credibility.
  • While shopping at night, the closer you park to the arcade entrance, the better. Also choose a well – lit area, much in the view of passers –by.
  • Carjacking is the new crime around. Be alert!

Tiny Tales

Tiny Tales

“Religion, Sex a Suspense help sell a story” I told a student.

“Can you give me an example sir?” he asked.

“Sure” I said, listen to this:

“Oh God... I’m pregnant! I wonder whose it is?”

Now I know why my book of short stories “Poison In the Tale” is not a  hot bestseller :)

Thursday, June 29, 2017



I love learning new words and adding them to my everyday usage. One such new word I learnt is “polyamory”.

It means: “Intimate connection with more than one person, ethically and with consent from all involved”.

In simple words what it means is that you have your partners consent to have intimate relationships with people apart from your partner, but keeping your partner in the loop and updated.

According to an active exponent, “Those who practice polyamory are often in multiple relationships, thus they get to explore different sides of themselves and others (sic) and they learn how to respond and react to different kinds of people and situations.”

I always thought three was a crowd!

Bird Brain

Bird Brain.

“Only a bird brain can make a statement like “Peacocks don’t have sex. The peahen gets impregnated by swallowing the tears of the peacock” snorted my friend.

His words brought to my mind another myth about birds. 

We tend to call stupid people “bird brains” but the fact is that although a birds brain is simple in design when compared to mammals, yet a bird can recognise relatives which it hasn’t seen in years, tell a neighbour from a stranger just by its voice, remember the location of food it had hid away months earlier, and even use tools.

Birds are really much brighter and smarter I think, than an Ex HC judge who is making crazy “poppycock” statements about peacocks.